Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back to the "Real World"

Hello all!
I am officially back to work this week. My first day back was March 16th. I was extremely nervous; both for me going back to work and for Kellen starting day care. My transition back to the 'real world' of work has gone smoothly and I am happy to be back. I miss spending my days with Kellen, I miss mommy/baby yoga, and all the little things we did together. I have to admit I do not like sending him to day care. He went on Monday but was out Tuesday and Wednesday with a cold. When I picked him up on Monday he was the only baby left, I guess all the other parents get off work earlier and therefore pick up earlier. I got him home and he just didn't smell like himself. I gave him a bath and he was back to that 'baby' smell! I hope that over time it becomes easier. I love my job, I just wish working didn't mean that he had to go to day care. As this first week nears an end, I feel as if we have run a marathon. It is hectic scheduling all the drop off and pick up.
I hope everyone is doing well! I hope to post more often now that I am back on the computer more.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Good to hear from you!

I'm sure the working will get easier and more managable! :)