Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Move Upstairs

Last night we FINALLY moved upstairs into our master bedroom! We have been using the downstairs bedroom for over a year and have been looking forward to reclaiming our room. We moved downstairs last April for my bedrest following the April 11th frozen embryo transfer...and we all know how that turned out! After that we decided to stay downstairs so that I could avoid walking up and down the stairs several times a day. It turned out to be a good decision since I was put on bedrest right after entering my 2nd trimester. Kellen stayed upstairs a couple nights when he was very very young, but has not been up there since. So everything was new and exciting to him! Kellen was excited about the move! He really seemed to like the new room with it's big glass double doors, there were lots of new things to explore.
Checking out Mom and Dad's bed in the upstairs bedroom. Kellen took everything in, looking at all the different things upstairs. One thing remained the same...there is still a ceiling fan upstairs, just like the one downstairs...phew!

Kellen is VERY vocal about the new room. Here he is telling us just how he feels about it. It sounds like he likes it!
Watching baseball highlights with Dad

Just hanging out and taking it all in

'This has been fun, but isn't it bedtime now?' Kellen's newest thing, holding his arms out when he wants to be lifted up. It took me awhile to decide whether or not this was a purposeful action of his and I do believe it is! Incredibly cute, he is getting so big!

Almost bedtime...getting ready for bed with Dad in the new room

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Early Morning Happy Laughs

You can't help but be a morning person with Kellen around! Here he is about 6:45 this morning getting ready to leave for daycare. He is quite the popular boy at the daycare! I got called into the office after dropping him off the other day just so the director could tell me how much everyone enjoyed him and how many of the caregivers always want to hold him when he's awake. He is such a charmer these days!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Tom!

Yesterday was Tom's 36th birthday! We celebrated with our best friends on Saturday night (when Tom got home from work). A little surprise get together with pizza, wings, and strawberry shortcake.

Kellen and Tom on Sunday morning

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Baby!

I think Kellen was excited to be lounging around with both Mom AND Dad last night!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Yesterday Kellen had his first vegetable, squash! He was hesitant at first, but I really think that he liked it. He certainly smiled a lot and got very messy! I ended up making it myself, not difficult at all. I think I am going to attempt to make the majority of his first vegetables and fruits.

Lazy Day

Kellen and I had a relaxing day on Saturday. Hanging out outside in the beautiful weather. Spending some time with the dogs. Napping. And having supper with Grandpa.
Kellen, napping in Mom and Dad's bed.

Still napping. But, he has learned to roll on his side some. Not all the way over yet, but getting there!
Saying goodnight on the speaker phone with Daddy! Most of the time, I'll put the phone on speaker so Kellen can hear familiar voices. I think he can definitely recognize a few voices now. He is very interested in the phone.

(Saturday April 18th was also the one year anniversary of our positive blood test (48.1 hcg quant) with Kellen. The day that we told our closest friends and family that the FET worked!)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Through the Night!!

Guess who slept a whole 10 hours without waking last night? Kellen! I couldn't believe it!
He slept from 8:45 pm-6:45 am.
Kellen, after waking up this morning, a happy, well rested baby!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The First Positive

On Wednesday April 16, 2008 we got our first positive home pregnancy test for Kellen. It was early in the morning before work. I took the test, knowing that it would be negative, put it down, and went about my business getting ready for work. Before leaving I went to get the test to check it just in case and throw it away. To my disbelief it was positive! A faint positive, but a positive none the less. I showed Tom and he agreed...positive. We were guardedly ecstatic, if that is possible. My hcg blood test wasn't scheduled until the following Monday (we had it moved up to that Friday, with repeat test on Monday). We were on cloud 9. One year later, this morning, I got ready for work with Kellen by my side. Charming me the way he does in the morning and late at night. (He is extremely smiley in the middle of the night and early morning, we have taken to referring to those times as his trying to 'charm' us and everything around us, especially the ceiling fan, whom he has lengthy conversations with each morning.) What a difference a year makes! We, as much as anyone, know that a positive pregnancy test does not always equal a healthy baby. We are blessed to have Kellen in our lives. Here he is, a very sleepy, charming boy, this morning, April 16, 2009:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4 Month Check Up

Today was Kellen's 4 month check up. He did great. Weighing in at 16 lbs. 1 oz. he lost a little weight during his sickness, but is still in the 70th percentile for weight. He is 25 inches long and in the 50th percentile for height. He is also in the 50th percentile for head circumference. Right on target! A very healthy boy! He had the rosiest cheeks at the doctor's office and was charming everyone. Up until the shots...once again they were extremely hard on Mom! Kellen cried and I fought back the tears. He quieted right down afterwards and did good until a few hours later. He is at home with Dad today and having a rough day. Same as his first round of shots. Poor little guy! I know Tom is taking good care of him and hopefully he will start to feel better soon!
In more exciting news, we get to start him on veggies! I think we will start first with squash. I have not decided whether I will make the food myself or buy it prepared. After we introduce a few veggies we can move on to fruits in a few weeks. I just know he is going to love the new variety in his diet!

Kellen getting ready (more like waiting for Mom and Dad to get ready) for his dr. appt.

From Fingers to Thumb!

New this week:
from fingers... thumb

Feet were discovered this past month and then he seemed to lose interest for awhile. But now they are back and more interesting than ever!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Hanging out on Easter Eve with Mom

A very appropriate Easter egg from Ya Ya to Mom. She picked this out last year in hopes that this year would be the year!

Kellen's Easter baskets

Easter books and treats from family!

The Easter bunny came to visit the Boyer house!

Kellen's 1st Easter! (4/12/09)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Last Year

Last year on April 11th we went to Premier Fertility in High Point for our last embryo transfer. We had 3 frozen embryos from our IVF cycle in September of 2007. It was to be our last attempt and we felt good about it from the beginning. The transfer went smoothly, much better than the last two and we left the lab feeling happy and at peace with the procedure. It was no longer in our hands, if it ever had been. Little did we know, looking at the picture of our 3 precious embryos, that we were catching one of the first glimpses of our little boy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Photos of Kellen! (St. Patrick's Day, 4 Month B'day Weekend, & Rice Cereal!)

Mommy's Lucky Charm!!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Such a happy baby after a bath!

Who is that handsome baby??
Such a cutie...hanging out with Mom on a Friday night (4/3/09)

Strong baby! Trying to crawl already during tummy time! (4/3/09)
It's a good morning! Kellen is 4 months old today! (4/4/09)

Getting ready for a fun day at the park!

Celebrating Kellen's 4 month birthday with a family trip to the park

His latest choice for teething, his hand, it's hard to get a photo without his fingers in his mouth! (4/4/09)
Day 1 of rice cereal...Kellen's first "solid" food! (4/4/09)

Day 2 with rice cereal...I think he remembered it from the day before and was more into it this go round! (4/5/09)