Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Getting Ready for Baby

We are quickly approaching the 6 month mark! I can't believe it! The baby has been kicking, squirming, and doing all sorts of acrobatics to keep us entertained. He is quite the little fish, just moving all around all the time.
I am still working only 5 hours a day which is working out well. I am exhausted by the end of those 5 hours let me tell you! At our appointment last week I was given instructions to take it easier than I have been. I don't feel that I've been doing that much, but I guess those extra errands we've run have taken a toll.
The past month has been filled with daycare tours and childcare research. We found a daycare that we love and have been put on the waiting list. Keep your fingers crossed! This place is way above and beyond any other one we have been to and we were both very impressed. And as I have learned, we are difficult to impress when it comes to possible childcare options!
We are working on getting the house ready and have purchased a few baby items. We both love shopping for baby! It's something we never knew if we would be able to do and it is just so surreal and such a big deal that here we are doing it. Tom has really gotten in to periodically checking out the local Once Upon a Child stores. I love to see him so involved, we are just having so much fun with this whole process.
Mid-month Tom is embarking on some painting in the house. I have a whole list of rooms that I would love to have newly painted so I am excited about that.
Our next appointment, barring any unforseen changes, is September 17th. This is the longest time we have gone between appointments and it feels good! The baby is doing beautifully, we couldn't ask for more.