Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

The first time I have ever seen my child actually sit and watch something on tv. I was amazed. He didn't even notice me taking his photo. Cookie in hand & an old school Barney VHS tape. He's growing up!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

14 Months Old! (now with photos)

Today Kellen is 14 months old. Wow. And I am actually writing a blog post that not only is not solely composed of photos, but at this point contains no photos at all. Never fear. Only reason for no photos is I left my camera at home so I haven't uploaded the cuteness yet.
14 months old. Last night Kellen slept for the first time in his new room, in his new house, in his new neighborhood, in his new city. That's right. We moved!
I am very excited about this move for so many reasons. One being that Kellen now has so much more room to roam free & play. And he knows it. He owns it. He woke up ready to be on the move!
Photos to come.