Saturday, August 9, 2008

20 Weeks!

Today I am 20 weeks pregnant! This is a huge milestone for me and I have been looking forward to this day.
I always had it in my mind that at 5 months I would be looking very pregnant. Well, considering I have gained less than 1 pound, I'm not exactly huge. But I think that you can definitely tell. I'm eagerly awaiting some weight gain; I know, I know, I'm sure I'll be reversing these thoughts in the not so distant future. I just feel like I should be gaining some weight for the baby! With all this bedrest and my increase in hunger lately, I'm sure it won't be long. There are so many things to worry about and so many things to look forward to. This is definitely the most exciting journey I have ever been on. Everyone that describes this experience as a roller coaster ride is right.
Today is a beautiful day! 20 weeks!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Half Days

Well, after a few hours of work yesterday I decided that a half day would be best. All the symptoms of the placenta previa & fibroid tumor are still there and seemed to worsen a bit as the day progressed. Nothing major, but enough for me to admit that I wasn't ready to come back full time. So I'll be working half days for now, well actually 5 hour days which technically is more than a half day, but you get the idea. My work is fine with it and my midwife thinks it's a great idea as long as I'm okay with it. I have the option of being totally out of work still, but I feel like a half day is totally do-able and takes some stress off me for sure.
The dogs are definitely happy with this decision. They have gotten spoiled having me here 24/7. Right now I am surrounded by all 5 dogs, all sound asleep, except for Beusch, but I think he'll be snoozing in no time.
Baby Boy is still doing great. We heard the heartbeat, very strong and healthy, at our appointment on Wednesday. He is still kicking away and I'm loving it. Our next doctor appointment is this coming Wednesday, but I don't think we'll have another ultrasound till 24 weeks. So probably no more cute baby pictures till then. I love the extra ultrasounds I have to admit!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Back to Work

I am headed back to work tomorrow. After our appointment today I decided to make a trial run back at work. I'll go in tomorrow and if I have any problems I'll leave. It may end up being a half day, we'll see. I'm just going to test the waters and see how it goes. Nothing has really changed health wise and I'm not sure if it will or not. I've been having a lot of contractions and pain from the fibroid tumor (I don't think I've mentioned that here before. I have a baseball-sized fibroid tumor in my uterus that is putting pressure on my cervix). If things worsen when I'm at work then it will be back to bedrest. It's important to me to at least give it a try though. The most important thing is the health of the baby of course. So I will do whatever I need to do to keep him healthy! Right now I just don't know if that is bedrest or if it is okay to work. The only way to find out is to try; so here goes.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

On the Move

Baby Boy has been quite the wiggle worm lately. This past week I have been feeling kicks consistently throughout the day. I'm sure that has a lot to do with the bed rest. I know movement lulls them to sleep and I haven't been moving very much, therefore he is quite active. It is such an amazing feeling, it just makes me smile. The best part was that Tom felt the kicks for the first time on Saturday. I was so happy that he was able to feel that. I wasn't sure if he would be able to, I know that I can, but I didn't know if it was strong enough for him yet. But it was! So that is our exciting news for this week.
I have my next doctor appointment tomorrow and will hopefully find out more about how things are going. Also, whether or not I will need to remain on bed rest. It's possible I could be back at work on Thursday! We'll see. I want to do whatever is best for the baby. If that's staying in bed for the next 20 weeks or so, I can do that. I can't believe that I will be 20 weeks on Saturday! Wow.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Baby Boyer's Journey so Far (in pictures)

4/11/08 (6 days) Transfer Day...these embryos, one of them being our baby boy, were retrieved in September '07. Then they were frozen and were thawed on 4/11/08. I wonder which one he is.
5/9/08 (6 weeks 6 days)...we saw the heartbeat for the first time this day

5/12/08 (7 weeks 2 days)

7/19/08 (17 weeks 0 days)...this is the day we found out we are having a boy!

7/29/08 (18 weeks 3 days) Baby in 3D