Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Story Time

I haven't been able to upload photos for quite some time now (since July!) so I apologize for the lack of posting! But I wanted to share a sweet moment I had last night. It was time for 'nigh nigh' (bedtime) and I sat with Kellen in the glider in his room to read a story. He wiggled away from me and down to the rug with the book. He very distinctly told me to "Sit Ma ma" as he patted the floor and proceeded to call for "Doggie!" (our German shepherd Bailey). He called until she came in and then he patted the floor and told her to "Sit doggie, book." After we were all seated (and doggie laying down), he handed me the book and said "Ma ma book. (pointed at Bailey) Doggie book." So I sat there and read to Bailey and Kellen at his request, with very many exclamations and shrieks of delight "Doggie!" I thought it was so sweet that Kellen wanted his doggie to hear the story too. I think Bailey enjoyed it and I wouldn't be surprised if this became a bedtime tradition in our house.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

23 Months Old!

Halloween photos to come...