Friday, July 31, 2009

Cute Little Monster

We will be on our way to the beach in the morning!  Kellen's first beach trip, we can't wait!

Monday, July 27, 2009

First Swim!

On Saturday Kellen had his first swim! He did awesome! He was not scared of the water at all and had a great time. Next week we are headed to the beach so hopefully this is a good indicator of how the trip will go! Of course the ocean and sand are a bit different from a pool and concrete :) Ya Ya, Kellen, & Mommy
Kellen & Mommy
Kellen & Ya in the pool!
In the car after his first swim...Kellen enjoyed not having to wear a shirt in the car seat!
After swimming (and a bath) Kellen had his first meat...chicken with apples! We think he liked it, he was just very distracted by all the cool things to look at on Ya Ya's porch
He also had mango for the first time....we do not think he liked mango! I tried hiding a little in his rice cereal the next morning and he wouldn't eat that either!
But last night he had sweet potatoes, corn, and applesauce (his first try of corn) and loved it!

Summer Mountain Weekends

We have had a wonderful time this summer going to the mountains. Here are some photos from the weekend before last. Getting ready for bed on Friday (7/17)
With Daddy in the mountains
Visiting with Ya Ya in the mountains. Ya Ya and Dave were in Blowing Rock celebrating their anniversary so we stopped by for a visit.
Sitting by himself!
Sitting (with some help from Ya Ya)

At the park in Valle Crucis after our picnic lunch (it was chilly that day)
On a stroll

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fun with Kellen!

First fruit combo...apples and blueberries! A hit! Very yummy!
Good morning happy baby!
Kellen in his exersaucer/activity center. He LOVES it! It has some rockin' music. And when he is a little older we can turn it into an s-shaped table for him to walk around; very cool.

Kellen and Bailey. You saw him with Jasmine the cat. Here he is with 3 of our 5 dogs. He just thinks they are the funniest things, especially if he gets a little lick on the cheek. He is laughing hysterically in these photos, I wish I had it on video!
Kellen and Beusch
Kellen and Tasha (this one is hilarious; he was REALLY trying to talk to her, he thought she was just so funny)

Lots of playing=sleepy baby...night night

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Da Da!

Kellen said his first official (other than the occasional 'hi') word today....
Da Da!!!
He said it A LOT, over and over. Unfortunately "DaDa" wasn't there to hear it! But the doctor, my family, and his day care caregivers heard it loud and clear.
I can't believe it! He is just growing up so fast this past week. Rolling over, sitting on his own, pulling up, and now his first word!
Tonight we celebrated my brother's birthday (his birthday is on the 9th, but he will be leaving for the beach that day). Everyone is growing up! Happy Birthday Seth!

7 Months Old!

Daddy & Kellen in the mountains, celebrating 7 months of fun!

Picnic time! Kellen loves rolling around on the picnic blanket!

Bouncing! Photo was blurry because he was bouncing so much!
Such a big boy!

Sitting on his own!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day Weekend!

We had the absolute best Independence Day weekend! The only thing that could have made it better is if Tom had been off on Sunday too.
All 3 of us were off work/day care on Friday which was lovely. Friday morning we had a professional photo shoot done of Kellen and some family shots by our good friend Jennifer Coby of Coby Photography. The weather was great, not too hot and the shoot went really well! Kellen did awesome as usual. Afterwards we went and got coffee at a "new" (YEARS ago, before I met Tom, I used to frequent this place on a daily basis) favorite, Tate Street Coffee. The rest of the day we relaxed and went shopping for our picnic the next day.
On the 4th (also Kellen's 7 month birthday!) we went to the mountains! Once again, Kellen was an awesome traveler. Couldn't ask for a better baby! He slept the whole way there and the whole way back! We spent some time in Blowing Rock and had a picnic on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The weather was GORGEOUS, about 78 degrees. Just beautiful. Kellen LOVED the picnic and rolling around on the blanket. He enjoyed his applesauce and rice cereal while we enjoyed a delicious lunch. We headed home to watch the fireworks in the town we live in. It was a first for us to watch the fireworks there, instead of the city we work in/used to live in. We had a picnic in the car and watched the fireworks and Kellen loved them! I wasn't sure if he would be able to see them, but he could. He was in awe! I can't wait till next year!
It was a perfect 4th of July and 7 month birthday! (photos to come soon)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Rock, rock, rock, and ROLL!

That's right, Kellen is rolling over! It's official, there have been 1-2 sightings in the past month, but none by mom and dad. Kellen stayed home sick with Tom on Thursday and apparently it is just what he needed. They had a wonderful father/son day. Kellen was on the move! That evening I got to see and it was amazing. I am so proud of him! He still needs a little rocking back and forth before rolling over, but he is getting faster at it by the day. Also, he has now started to be able to sit up on his own for short periods of time and stand while holding on to something BY HIMSELF for short periods of time. He really is growing up so fast right before our eyes! Here are some photos from Thursday and Friday of him rolling over. Also on Friday he had his first applesauce! He loves it! Even more than peaches I think!

*Kellen had his 7 month photoshoot on Friday. Jennifer Coby of Coby Photography did the shoot and it was awesome. Kellen was his usual happy go lucky self the entire time. He certainly is not camera shy (you can probably guess why since I take a TON of pictures). You can get a sneak preview of a few of the photos on the Coby Photography blog: