Monday, October 27, 2008

Time Flies...

I can't believe how fast this time is going by! Two months from today is my due date; unbelievable. We have been enjoying this time, starting our Birth and Baby classes, getting the nursery ready, and planning the holidays and Baby Boyer's arrival. We've had two more showers! One at my work and a co-ed shower hosted by my sister and step sister in law at my mom's house. Both were amazing and I was blown away by the creativity of the hostesses! We are definitely very lucky to have such wonderful friends and family in our lives.
Our last appointment was on October 24th. Everything is looking good and the baby is doing great. I am right on target as far as weight gain and the size of the baby, so that's good. Our baby is already getting attention for being so photogenic in his ultrasound photos. At our appointment our ultrasound tech pulled Tom aside to show him her computer. Not only is our little boy in her screensaver but he is the actual background of her computer! I can't say I blame her! The pictures are absolutely amazing, I know I have mine up at my desk and love looking at them.
Our next appointment is November 6th. We are pretty busy between now and then with multiple classes at the hospital and other 'getting ready for baby' preparations. We both love this time of year and are looking forward to these fall days and the time before the holidays. We hope everyone is enjoying their fall so far and has a fun Halloween!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Busy Busy

This has been a whirlwind month for all of us! Baby has grown and so have I! A lot! Everyone is healthy and doing great. Last weekend we had visitors and my first baby shower. It was amazing and I was honored to have my mother in law here all the way from New York. I am still in awe of all the generosity and outpouring of love from friends and family!
On Wednesday I had my glucose tolerence test and an ultrasound. I passed the glucose test and it wasn't bad at all. I actually kind of liked the orange liquid you have to drink, honest. My hemoglobin was a little low so I'll work on that by adding some foods to my diet that are rich in iron.
Now, the ultrasound. As you can see in the post below, we have one cute baby! I'm always taken aback by just how "real" the 3D ultrasounds look. We could see him moving and opening and closing his mouth, it was awesome. The placenta had moved 4 cm so we are out of the low lying area and it is no longer a problem. Very excited about that! There is still the possibility of a c-section because of the large fibroid tumor that I have, but it is no longer a definite. All good news!
Next week Tom and I start our Birth and Baby classes at the hospital. We have both been looking forward to those and hope to learn a lot.
After the shower, the nursery is really coming together. It is quickly becoming my favorite room in the house. These are going to be a busy next couple of months for sure! I know they are going to fly by but we are going to enjoy every second of them.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008