Friday, September 4, 2009

9 Months Old!

Kellen is 9 months old today! I cannot believe it. He is growing up so quickly. This has truly been the fastet nine months of my life. He is so much fun. He is really moving. He can pull himself up and stand on his own. Crazy! He loves animals, the crinkly package his wipes come in, mom's cell phone, the laptop, his exersaucer, his little toy duck at Ya Ya's, flirting, laughing, music, 'singing', so much. He is in to anything he can get his hands on. We took him to his first music class last weekend and he did wonderfully! He was the only kid there who actually used his little drumsticks to make noise. I have to run to go take my 9 month old to one of his favorite place, Tate Street Coffee (it's like one big mobile to him, he gets so excited there). But I will be back with more updates and pictures of course!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

One Hour Until...

One hour until Kellen is 9 months old....  9 months?!