Thursday, March 26, 2009

15 weeks

Kellen is 15 weeks old today. Oh my, time has flown by. On one hand I can't believe he is already almost 4 months, but on the other hand I can't imagine life without him and it seems as if he has been here longer, and in a way he has.
This week is his first full week of day care and it seems to be going pretty good. I feel as if I don't have enough time with him at all. I may look into working part time if it is at all possible. Even if I could cut my day down by an hour I think it would help. We'll see, I don't think my company has any part time options but it couldn't hurt to ask.
Kellen is growing and changing everyday. New this month:
  • teething (so soon, I know!)
  • laughing (the funniest little laugh I have ever heard, I'll try to get it on video for you)
  • "watching" tv
  • saying "ah-goo"
  • "holding" his bottle (he can do it if it doesn't have much milk, but if it does, it's a bit too heavy and he needs help)
  • playing with the toys hanging on the carseat handle
  • discovered his feet (right now he just likes to lift them up and look at them)
  • chewing on his hands (probably a part of teething)
  • holding (and wanting to sleep with & chew on) his 'blankie' (a cloth diaper we had been using as a burp cloth)
  • hugging his stuffed green dinosaur
  • smiling a lot and seeming to really recognize certain voices & people

I can only imagine what his 4th month will bring!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Good Morning!

Good morning!
Tom has training Monday and Tuesday this week so I have taken Kellen to day care yesterday and today. It has gone smoothly and I have had no problem getting him there and to work early. Today I got to the day care and decided that since I had plenty of time before work I would stay and give Kellen his morning bottle. It was a good decision because not only did I get to spend that time with Kellen (and he is so charming in the morning!), but I got to chat with one of his caretakers there and get a better feel for the place. I felt comfortable and I felt that Kellen felt comfortable. When I left I put him in his crib and he was smiling up at the mobile.
The transition is going well so far. I am tired at the end of the day though! The hard part is after not seeing him all day I want to spend my time in the evening just hanging out with Kellen (and Tom when he is home!). But there is much to do to get ready for the next day which takes up my time with him. If only I could get off work a couple hours earlier, I think it would make a big difference.
My mom has helped by getting Kellen early on these days that I have taken him so that he does not have to spend the entire day at day care. That eases my mind so much. Knowing that he is getting some quality family time in the afternoons. Well off to do some actual work! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Monday, March 23, 2009

This Day, Last Year

This day last year was Easter. This is a photo I took on our way home from Easter dinner and festivities at my mom's house last year. March 23rd, 2008 was a special day for the Boyer family, it marked the first day of the fertility cycle that led to Kellen. I remember thinking that day how poignant that was that it was Easter. It seemed like a good sign. And it was!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back to the "Real World"

Hello all!
I am officially back to work this week. My first day back was March 16th. I was extremely nervous; both for me going back to work and for Kellen starting day care. My transition back to the 'real world' of work has gone smoothly and I am happy to be back. I miss spending my days with Kellen, I miss mommy/baby yoga, and all the little things we did together. I have to admit I do not like sending him to day care. He went on Monday but was out Tuesday and Wednesday with a cold. When I picked him up on Monday he was the only baby left, I guess all the other parents get off work earlier and therefore pick up earlier. I got him home and he just didn't smell like himself. I gave him a bath and he was back to that 'baby' smell! I hope that over time it becomes easier. I love my job, I just wish working didn't mean that he had to go to day care. As this first week nears an end, I feel as if we have run a marathon. It is hectic scheduling all the drop off and pick up.
I hope everyone is doing well! I hope to post more often now that I am back on the computer more.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So sorry for the absence. We've been busy around here. I go back to work on Monday, which means Kellen starts daycare on Monday :(

I have been incredibly lucky to be out this long (14 weeks!) and spend this time with him. He is growing and changing everyday, such a smiling, happy baby. Here are some photos from the past few months.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3 Months Old!

Kellen on his 3 month birthday (3/4/09)!