Thursday, March 26, 2009

15 weeks

Kellen is 15 weeks old today. Oh my, time has flown by. On one hand I can't believe he is already almost 4 months, but on the other hand I can't imagine life without him and it seems as if he has been here longer, and in a way he has.
This week is his first full week of day care and it seems to be going pretty good. I feel as if I don't have enough time with him at all. I may look into working part time if it is at all possible. Even if I could cut my day down by an hour I think it would help. We'll see, I don't think my company has any part time options but it couldn't hurt to ask.
Kellen is growing and changing everyday. New this month:
  • teething (so soon, I know!)
  • laughing (the funniest little laugh I have ever heard, I'll try to get it on video for you)
  • "watching" tv
  • saying "ah-goo"
  • "holding" his bottle (he can do it if it doesn't have much milk, but if it does, it's a bit too heavy and he needs help)
  • playing with the toys hanging on the carseat handle
  • discovered his feet (right now he just likes to lift them up and look at them)
  • chewing on his hands (probably a part of teething)
  • holding (and wanting to sleep with & chew on) his 'blankie' (a cloth diaper we had been using as a burp cloth)
  • hugging his stuffed green dinosaur
  • smiling a lot and seeming to really recognize certain voices & people

I can only imagine what his 4th month will bring!


Sara said...

Wow, 15 weeks already. I can't believe he's teething already. Kendall STILL doesn't have any teeth!

Sara said...

Oh I meant to also say I'm glad the daycare transition is going well. I completely sympathize with the not enough time in the evening though. I don't get home until 6, so I spend that time with Kendall, playing, feeding, batheing, whatever until she goes to bed, then after she goes to bed is when I do the dishes, and get everything ready for the next day. You'll find a routine that works. But I do hope your boss lets you leave early.