Saturday, November 29, 2008

9 Months!

Today I am 9 months! We have had an eventful holiday week. At my appointment on Tuesday my blood pressure was still high and there were other signs and results pointing towards possible pre-eclampsia. They had me do another test over Thanksgiving and we went back in on Friday for more tests. Friday afternoon we got a call from the doctor letting us know that based on the results I am diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and we needed to go into the hospital that afternoon/evening. This was completely unexpected! At the hospital, I was admitted and hooked up to machines to monitor the baby's heartrate, his movement, my heartrate, and contractions. I was having regular contractions, evenly spaced, and a lot of them. Though I did not feel them at all so they weren't to concerned about those. The doctor did an ultrasound to check the amount of fluid around the baby and that was fine. They also did several blood pressure checks and labwork. I was released late last night. The doctor has taken me completely out of work and they will continue to monitor me and baby at least 3 times this week at the office, starting on Monday. The plan is to deliver baby via scheduled c-section at 37 weeks (next Saturday). A definite date has not been set but we should know more on Monday. We weren't expecting to deliver so early, but we want what is safest for everyone. Hopefully we can make it till next Saturday without getting admitted to the hospital again!
I was given permission to go get our Christmas tree in the mountains today and that was so much fun. I will be taking it easy this week and mentally preparing for Baby Boyer's early arrival. We hope everyone had a wonderful time with friends and family this Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

35 weeks?!

Wow, I can't believe that next Saturday I'll be 9 months! We are having an awesome and surreal time preparing for baby's arrival. We finished up our classes at the hospital last week. I really enjoyed the hospital tour and Tom seemed to really like Bootcamp for Expectant Fathers as well as all the other classes we went to. We learned a lot, though I have a feeling there is a lot more to learn when the hands on experience comes!
We are pre-registered at the hospital, have selected our pediatrician, sent in the birth certificate information, enrolled baby in his back up daycare (in case we don't get called on the waiting list from our first choice), and generally been running around making sure everything is ready. I love it!
We are going to weekly doctor appointments now that we are nearing the due date. I had some test results come back a little concerning, but everything seems to still be on track. Baby is not in the right position yet and we're thinking he may not be able to get where he needs to be due to the fibroid tumor. We'll have an ultrasound on December 4th that should answer any of those questions. We still don't know whether I will have a c-section or not. We're hoping the ultrasound will be able to give us that answer as well. We'll see! We are looking forward to the following week's Thanksgiving festivities and our annual trip to the mountains to get our Christmas tree. As well as our 4th anniversary on the 2nd. We have a lot to celebrate!
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!